Dental Implants

Improve Your Smile’s Appearance and Function with Natural-looking Dental Implants

Modern dentistry offers several teeth replacement options, but none comes close to a dental implant. With a success rate of over 95%, implant-based restorations are stable, functional, and esthetically appealing, just like your natural teeth. Once a dental implant settles in place, it doesn’t look or feel like a replacement. 

Treating tooth loss early averts numerous health complications, including bone loss and diminished oral function. Dr. Abel Aguilar of Manchester Dental in Manchester, Georgia, helps you enjoy all the benefits of a complete smile by installing high-quality dental implants.

How dental implants replace missing teeth

Most teeth replacements replace your crown. However, dental implants replace your entire tooth, from the root to the crown. 

A dental implant is a titanium screw surgically inserted in your jawbone to sit in the place where your tooth once existed. Above the implant post, we attach an abutment that connects the implant to a dental prosthetic, such as a crown, bridge, or denture

A dental implant looks very much like the tooth you just lost. And that’s not all. A dental implant feels natural when talking, eating, and cleaning your teeth.

The dental implant procedure

The first step towards replacing your lost teeth with an implant is booking a consultation with Dr. Aguilar. We use digital X-rays and 3D scans to determine the amount of jawbone present, your gums, and the space available to place an implant. 

Once we establish you are a good candidate for dental implants, the rest of the procedures involve the following.

  • Implant surgery: After anesthetizing your gums, we make a small incision to expose the bone. Then, we drill a small hole at a precise location in your jawbone before inserting a titanium post. Next, we place a healing cap to guide the gums as they heal around the implant. Finally, we stitch the implant site to begin the healing process
  • Healing: Your surgical site needs a few weeks to recover, but your implant needs three to six months to heal and fuse with the jawbone through osseointegration. To avoid implant infection, you should observe vigilant dental hygiene during the healing phase. Also, you should adhere to dental follow-up visits to help us monitor the progress of your implant healing
  • Abutment placement: After your implant heals, we perform minor surgery to replace the healing cap with an abutment. Sometimes, this process can be done the same day we place your implant
  • Restoring your tooth: With our same-day dental crowns, you don’t have to wait for weeks to have your restoration. Dr. Aguilar prepares, designs, and installs dental crowns in one appointment! Once we manufacture your bespoke crown, we inspect its fit and appearance before bonding it to your implant

Dental implants have a high success rate, but the procedure can fail if the implant detaches from the bone. This failure can happen due to two reasons. Poor oral hygiene may infect your implant, causing peri-implantitis that destroys the gums and bone around the implant. Furthermore, excessive teeth grinding can dislodge or wear out your implant. We recommend optimal oral hygiene, routine dental appointments, and custom mouth guards (for tooth grinders) to reduce the implant failure rate.

Call our office for more information
New Patients: (706) 981-6272 | Existing Patients: (706) 846-2273
Request an Appointment

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants are the “gold standard” for replacing teeth because they offer numerous cosmetic and functional benefits. Some include:

  • Jaw bone preservation
  • Stabilizing the nearby teeth
  • Natural look and feel
  • Restored oral function
  • Long-lasting restorations
  • Easy maintenance
  • Renewed self-confidence
  • Versatility to replace one, several, or all teeth
  • Improved oral hygiene

Want to replace your teeth after tooth extraction, failed eruption, or loss due to injury or disease? Consider dental implants from Manchester Dental. Our high-quality dental implants will restore your smile’s health, appearance, and esthetics to what it used to be before tooth loss. 

Oh! Before you go…we offer a container of delicious homemade soup for every patient who gets an extraction, crown, or bridge. We’ve been doing this for years to add a “wow factor” to your experience. 

Please book your appointment today by calling (706) 981-6272 and discover the little things that make us stand out. 

Dr. Abel Aguilar

Published by
Dr. Abel Aguilar

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