Soup is just what the doctor recommended!

Dr. Ag - U- lar

If so, your treatment is not all you’ll get from us. There’s also a container of homemade soup for you to take home!

Do you have a tooth extraction or a crown or bridge treatment coming up at Manchester Dental, Abel Aguilar DMD?

The soup is specially prepared by Jamie, Dr. Aguilar’s wife. It’s delicious, nutritious, and just what you need to recover from your dental procedure. This is another step we take to ensure that our patients are treated like family.

Homemade goodness

Our care and concern for your overall well-being make Manchester Dental stand out from other dental offices. We have your best interests at heart and do everything possible to support the community with exceptional and genuine dental care that you can trust.

Our wow factor

(706) 981-6272

Contact us

If you have a tooth that may need an extraction or a crown or bridge treatment, call Manchester Dental in Manchester, Georgia, for an appointment. The number is

And don’t forget to collect your soup post-procedure!