Dental implants are transforming how we replace teeth. Our dentist at Manchester Dental, Dr. Abel Aguilar, is skilled at using implants to replace one tooth, many teeth, or a mouthful of teeth. Implant-supported teeth may be an appropriate alternative to “traditional” dental bridges and dentures.
Dental implants are titanium posts. From our office in Manchester, Georgia, Dr. Aguilar inserts implants into the jawbone where the teeth are missing. Once inserted, they heal or grow with the surrounding bone. This process provides a stable foundation for the implant to function as a tooth root. Prosthetic teeth are attached to implants. One crown is attached to a single implant. Or, a few implants are attached to a dental bridge or denture. Implants support these new teeth – just like natural tooth roots.
Each implant features a small ball. This part of the implant snaps securely into a socket that is fitted to the denture. These implant-supported dentures, or overdentures, can be removed easily for proper cleaning. Yet, they “stay put” and do not shift around when you eat, speak, or laugh.
The difference is in the stability provided by the implants. Since each implant is secured in the jawbone, the denture attached to it will not shift around. There is no need for adhesive to hold the denture in place. Also, implants keep the jawbone stimulated. The supportive facial bone remains strong, so your denture continues to fit well. This feature makes overdentures a low-maintenance option. With implants, the ongoing denture adjustments to maintain the fit so necessary to your comfort and function are unneeded.
Due to advances in technology, many people are great candidates for implants. Following a comprehensive exam and X-rays (as needed), Dr. Aguilar may recommend implants if you are unhappy with the fit of your existing dentures. Even if you have existing bone loss in the jaw caused by the loss of teeth (see above), you can still benefit from implants!
Dr. Aguilar offers mini implants, which may be appropriate if you have bone loss and do not want to undergo bone grafting. These implants are smaller in diameter than “standard” implants. They are easier to place without cutting the gums, and there is also no need to wait for the gums to heal before completing the procedure. Also, Dr. Aguilar is a provider of truly complete implant care. He has successfully completed more than 500 implant cases to date.
Our team also combines timely services with timeless, quality care. Each patient who undergoes a restorative procedure (like an extraction, crown, or bridge) goes home with a container of delicious, healing soup prepared by Dr. Aguilar’s wife, Jamie. We aim to please! Call our office in Manchester, GA, today at (706) 981-6272 to schedule your free dental implant consultation.